Liesel wrote me this letter /song on Sunday and it made me cry.
We have made it through one week of Ben being gone. Nathaniel and Liesel have been so responsible and have been such a great help to me. Nathaniel has been giving me lots of thanks and hugs of support! Evenings are hard! Especially at dinnertime. James never wants to sit in his high chair. He gets right out of the buckle and stands up constantly. Tonight he stood up and began to teeter and I had a cup of milk in my hand. So what did I do? My reflexes threw that milk all over the kitchen as I went to quickly grab my boy to prevent him from falling! He wants me to hold him and when I put him down he starts pulling apart cupboards. Then he cries to be held. Elora usually feels pretty worn out by this time also and decides she will join in with the crying.
I washed sheets today and never got the sheets back on Liesel's bed and after I got the three little ones to bed I went into her room not knowing what I would see. There she was asleep in her bed with sheets and blankets. She had made it up all by herself and put herself to bed!
James is missing his rough and tumble play from Daddy so I had to fill in tonight. After dinner I sat down exhausted on the couch and James looked at me and started running away laughing and screaming. Translation for those of you who don't know this means: " I want you to chase me and grab me and tickle me and wrestle. And then do it again and again and again until I get out all my sillies. " So I mustered all the energy I could and the girls and I had fun with baby James. So lest you all think that being a parent is just too much work....sure it is work but it is the most rewarding work in the world!
Funny things the kids said today:
Annika: "When is Dad coming home from his vacation?"
Elora: "How will Dad get off the airplane?" (All she knows of airplanes is that they are flying up in the sky!)