A kind neighbor let the kids pick some of her daffodils to give to G. Grandma Jensen who had just had surgery on her toes.

I love daffodils. It's too bad they have such a short blooming time.

Annika lost her first baby tooth. It's always a little sad for me somehow. It always catches me by surprise. It seems like she just got them and now they're already falling out!

James absolutely loves riding this with Grandpa Jerry.

We went to a great dinosaur museum in Utah while visiting Grandma and Grandpa.

James is such a funny boy. I love all his little personalities. He is silly....

... A little fragile at times ....

.....And LOVES to show-off and be a tough guy!
He found a stick and pretended to attack the dinosaurs with it!

My Dangerous Creatures...Okay they are mostly soft and cuddly and cute but when they are hungry or tired...Watch OUT!