Doesn't this look like a Currier and Ives painting? The day after our trip to the dinosaur museum we took a trip up to Ben's parents cabin. This is one of the amazing scenes we got to enjoy from their cabin. It was snowing the day we drove up and it made the ride a little scary. I don't have much experience driving in the snow. Kit was riding with me and I'm sure she had to be a little nervous. But we made it there in one piece and the kids played outside in the snow till past dark, sledding down the driveway! Ben was in Arizona for work and met us up there the next day on April 1st.

Here's Ben taking a phone call just after he arrived. His employees were playing an April Fool's Day joke on him!

Ben helped the kids build a little snow fort on the porch. He is such a good dad.

During the day it seemed clear and sunny so we drove out to find a good hill for sledding. We found one but it was snowing pretty good and it was so cold. But we got out and the kids had fun anyway... at least some of them did....mostly Nate and Liesel.

Ben played and had fun with the kids even though it was freezing!

Annika lasted a few minutes and then sought the truck for refuge.

Liesel was pretty determined to have some fun regardless of the weather.

Although James is smiling here he did not like the snow in his face one bit and didn't have any fun till he was back in the warm truck.

Elora didn't last very long either before she gave up and climbed inside too!

I mostly sat with James and then near the end got out and had a ride down the hill on a sled a couple times. It was bitter cold! Growing up in the Valley of the Sun in AZ I am pretty much a wimp in snow! But I have to admit it was kind of fun sledding down the hill with my kids. : )